Sunday, October 30, 2022

kinetic flowers, vitamin d, the mind, sunlight and the light within


kinetic flowers, vitamin d, the mind, sunlight and the light within..

there is some great consesus that the production of D in the body from sunlight heals everything from depression to you name it. odd that hopsitals are closed florescent rooms to this powerful phenomenon. maybe not odd. maybe lost to dogma. 

i think of sick plants as sort of powerful representatives to what is actual and right: water, terre firma and sunlight.. pretty simple healing.

reading some of the buddhist dharma this morning i came across an argument about the mind and what it actually is. it would be hard to conclude my own thoughts and findings without the context of the volume but i can say that ejecting from a "birth and death" paradigm and injecting ones self into what he is – actually available for sensing and perceiving versus what he or she thinks is being perceived or what is susceptible to perceiving – this might truly be synonymous with our countable and uncountable senses which, working in harmony and balance, seem to all and all at once look, without fear, deep within. 

the teaching said it is impossible to fully illuminate a room through the windows of an exterior lamp. i love the example. we cannot see our organs yet are highly aware of them because of the eternal light inside. but one must "invite" that light in; all the way in. without this inside lamp and the careful observation and critical changing of our insides, it is impossible to illuminate light to the world. and thus the recognition finally of the observing mind; neither inside nor outside, neither tangible nor intangible, perceives deeper into the world as the interior of ourselves begins to heal and to actually "see". 

the question was raised "can you see your own eyes? can you see your own face?" the kneejerk reaction was "no" but then perception took hold and the answer to me was, "what is actual seeing/perceiving?" and thus the definition of the eternal mind. 

further, all that we perceive we along with the mind create; every flower and blade of grass. if i create darkness in my mind, the flora dies. if i invite the light, house the light, let the light illuminate the dark undusted places within, suddenly that light can radiate through the openings of my being and spill out onto the world joining the outward light in oneness and in life-giving perception. but it requires something other than a "dust" reality. it requires an eternity and agelessness mindset. 

the world is trapped in a "should or should not" dust to dust reality when the cleaning of within is the actual eternity; the nirvana we all crave. instead the worldly pursuits bow us down to the all craving of the physical eye – the heaven on earth we facilitate with "stuff" when actually, we, with clean and pure inner body, can illuminate and manifest the green grass of this gentle path toward enlightenment, without longing or affections for earthly things. 

the truth-telling is not what is manufactured or manipulated, but what is truly, with open empty hand and empty mind, sensed and then created and perhaps even given away. 

the flowers did not grow before our perception of their pleasant aroma. we, the light and the eternity we invite to live inside of us, smelled their aroma and longed for them to take shape long before the seed was planted. the seed began within us. it was "planted" in us by a desiring loving entity. we thought and spoke the flora into existence and they appeared in congruence with all that comes out of what is internal – the goodness of intent, pouring kindly out of our deep desire and intent to thoroughly clean ourselves within, to invite in and partner with the light, in order that we might actually "see" and simultaneously "house" goodness. 

be encouraged today; transformed by the renewing of your minds.

love you

jP 2022

(photo jPayne 2022)

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