Monday, November 18, 2013

go fish

a mechanic raised a boy and the boy became a fisherman. the fisherman raised a boy and the boy became a mechanic. the mechanic raised a boy and that boy became a scholar. the scholar went home and saw his father and his grandfather and his great-granfather had seemingly never questioned anything outside the world immediate. he was furious with them. so the scholar raised a boy and the boy became a minister and went off to hebrew university to study. when the boy came back to his father, they had a long scholarly talk about universal truths. the scholar asked the boy what he'd learned in university. the boy said, "i learned how to fix my own car and to fish."

-jP 23.18.y1

preaching to the choir..

My choir teacher used to say, "if you're gonna mess up, MESS UP LOUD!" so, we did! and we'd all look at each other and laugh when we messed up and we'd keep going and we'd work thru it, but we were a team and that mentality grew us. here's why. when you are afraid to mess up, you hold back. but when mistakes become unimportant, you can run, full tilt! and when you practice at full tilt, you will perform at FULL TILT! winning competitions was a no brainer for our little choir. we won everything! we took our performances to another level entirely! yes, practice makes perfect, but only when you relax and go all out. so today, be unafraid. GO FOR IT! and when you mess up, MESS UP LOUD! the mind will correct the foibles if you are easy on yourself, and the outcomes are limitless when you finally get out of your own way!
love you
jP today