Monday, July 5, 2021

What the 4th!!!

 I’ve got this great idea. Let’s celebrate war trauma and freedom every year by blowing shit up all night and creating more trauma;  disregarding crying babies, frightened wildlife and terrified domestic pets and their humans intuitive enough to see the suffering.

Yeah! Let’s create God knows how many fires nationwide, and let’s just pretend we don’t hear the cries and noise complaints of the elderly shut-ins or the mentally ill or the confused, not to mention our war-torn veterans with PTSD! Yeah! Let’s just continue blasting and create the loudest biggest ass human footprint possible, all the while jizzing on everything peaceful. Won’t that be great?! Cant wait!!! 

And hey! While we’re at it, maybe, just maybe, on the same day, we could remember the loss of a loved one with more death, the abolishment of slavery with slavery, abuse recovery with more abuse, the rescuing of someone from a domestic violence situation with more domestic violence, extinction with more extinction, divorce and betrayal with more divorce and betrayal, injustice with more injustice and stupidity with um ... oh. 

Yeah. We could do that. 

Or maybe, just maybe, we could create long heroic exalted moments by actually being heroic and exalted and maybe raising our remembrances with reverence because we know and crave reverence and disciplined silence — maybe because we are actually considering what freedom ACTUALLY costs. That might be an option over worldwide bombastic masturbation. 

Love is not loud, yoga is not ass pants and mirrors, and tranquillity actually is tranquility.

You want peace? Be peaceful. This tradition is madness. 









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