Monday, April 29, 2019

The old dog

The ol' dog lay sick with fever by the empty water bowl for days until he died. The Winch of some arrogant scoundrel who owned the property kept yelling at their young boy to fill the bowl, while everyone else in the filthy unkept house passed by refusing to fill it themselves. But the boy was apparently "spoilt and wouldn't do no chores" so he took harsh blame and beating for killing the dog. 

When the dog got to heaven, God granted him one wish and so he wished to come back to earth as a man. The man showed up at the farm where he'd previously lived as a dog and violently murdered everyone in the house except for the little boy who was nowhere to be found. When the boy finally did return home from his after-school lully-gagging to see the house and lands kept, and everything within the house white-washed and put away and properly dusted and in its place, he promptly walked over to the water bowl and rinsed it carefully and filled it with cool fresh water. He stood and addressed the man, "See? Fresh water for the dog." The man smiled and said kindly, "You're a good boy."  

jP 2o16

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